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  • ייעוד וחזון | mila

    Purpose of MILA / Why do we exist? - MILA leads and creates in Israel the vocal music culture; It is a warm, encouraging home an d promotes its members while encouraging original creation; Preserves and renews The Hebrew singer; A cultural and cultural bridge in the community and between Israel and the world; Is a source of inspiration for its members and all those involved in the field. MILA's vision. Who do we want to be? A national asset in the field of music culture recognized in the world; the largest and most influential umbrella organization in Israel w hich includes most of the conductors and vocal ensembles; Creates, participates, organizes and produces events for the fulfillment of musical-cultural experiences, t o all those who are engaged, lovers and lovers of vocal music; Create a future and marketing moves, all of which will "run" for a million. MILA 's future belongs to its members. Main goals - preservation and renewal of Hebrew song while encouraging original Hebrew work. Promoting activities in the periphery. Lead and lead the music culture t he vocals in Israel. The association produces hundreds of singing events for vocal ensembles, choirs and choirs around the country. The association has the best conductors and creators of Israel. MILA core values - Milah and its members represent Israel and the beautiful, cultural and musical Israeli in Israel and around the world and thus becomes a national asset; Mila's future belongs to its members, winners and volunteers; MILA cultivates the values of the spirit of volunteering, friendship, tolerance and love for others, responsibility and a sense of sharing, a ffiliation and leadership made possible by membership in the organization; MILA is proud of its volunteers and invests in them; MILA members are satisfied with the variety of activities, f rom the professional enrichment and the much value contribution they receive a nd give in the fields of vocal poetry; Mila, in collaboration with its members and volunteers, conducts the various voices for integration in wonderful harmony in Israel and around the world. Brand name The intention is to continue to use the name Mila, but the acronyms will be replaced from property content (Center for Choirs and Bands) to content that reflects the future we want for Mila. The change will take place in the future after approval and change in the bylaws and update by the Registrar of Associations: MILA - Israeli Center for Vocal Music Culture One of Mila's goals in the new positioning and branding is to change the equation so that the new meaning of: I am a member of MILA = I belong, MILA is my voice.

  • היכל התהילה | mila

    MILA Hall of Fame A memorial corner for past winners Mythological compositions Volunteers of the association חיים אגמון ז"ל פרופ' יחזקאל בראון ז"ל יעקב הולנדר ז"ל מנשה לב רן ז"ל מרטין מוסקוביץ ז"ל רפי פסחזון ז"ל משה ביק ז"ל יוסף הדר ז"ל צביקה כספי ז"ל אריה לבנון ז"ל ד"ר יואב נטע ז"ל יאיר רוזנבלום ז"ל

  • Forum | mila

    To test this feature, visit your live site. Categories All Posts My Posts Login / Sign up פורום מנצחים שלום! מוזמנים להצטרף לדיונים פוסט חדש וידאו קליפ שתפו סיפורים, טיפים, רעיונות, תמונות ועוד subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 הקלטות אולפן ושטח סיפורים, לקחים ותובנות מהקלטות קולות ללימוד וגם עם ההרכבים subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 טכנולוגיה בבית ובחזרה שתפו מהניסיון שלכם עם ציוד רלוונטי subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 1 הגברה במופעים כל מה שיש לכם לומר על אקוסטיקה וסאונד להופעה - זה המקום subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 פיתוח קול מטיפים מקצועיים ועד להמלצות על מאמרים ואנשי מקצוע, כי כולם רוצים לדעת subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 1 חימומים ספרו לנו - איך אתם עורכים חימומים ומביאים את ההרכב להפקת צליל מיטבית? איך החזרה תביא לתוצאות משופרות? subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 תלבושות נשמעים מצוין וגם נראים מעולה - איך עושים את זה? בטוח שיש לכם דעה או שתיים בנושא subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 תנועה תזוזות, העמדות ומחוות? מה נכון ומה פחות? דעתכם חשובה לנו subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 כלי נגינה פסנתר, גיטרה, כינור, אקורדיון, מפוחית, צ'לו... ספרו לחבר'ה מה עושה לכם את זה subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 הופעות הרכבים בחוץ לארץ Welcome! Have a look around and join the conversations. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 ביקורת ספרים קראתם ספר מעניין על ניצוח או כתיבת עיבודים? ספרו לנו מה יש לכם להגיד subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Forum - Frameless

  • הקוד האתי של מנצחי וזמרי מיל״ה | mila

    The code of ethics for conductors and singers introduction The organization of choirs and choirs Milah unites singers, who sing in choirs and choirs and conductors. Naturally, the organization undertakes to answer questions and problems (or disagreements) that arise mainly in the musical field. The professional and in the field of the relationship between the winners and themselves and between the groups and themselves. The singers are united in the choirs, but each singer is a unit in itself, who on the one hand strives to fulfill his desires The personal musical and on the other hand is part of a group, which is committed to helping fulfill the group's ambitions. The conductors, in addition to their role as the group's musical directors, are also involved in the administrative management. And in the social affairs of the group. This situation means that in many cases there is confusion between the responsibilities of the various participants In the system (Conductors, band managers, singers, accompanying musicians). This document defines the responsibilities of each of the human components, The interaction between them as well as the interaction between the winners and themselves and between the groups and themselves in a way, That everyone will know and Japanese their place in this complex system for the benefit of all participants. The document below does not serve as a set of rules and does not supersede signed employment agreements between winners and gangs. The agreements are legal documents while this document defines basic rules of conduct between singers / conductors / group managers / Employers on controversial issues. The intent of this document is only to cause even in cases of bruised disputes You will be able to continue with regular activities. Milah will appoint a standing committee on ethics to be composed, by the Executive Committee, of three to five members, including at least One conductor, one band leader and singers' representatives. The committee will also be attended by non-stakeholders (former conductors, composers, arranger, Public figures not involved in the daily life of the choir activity). Definitions Musical conductor / director The conductor / musical director is responsible for the group's repertoire (sometimes in consultation with a musical committee from within the group), Responsible for bringing the musical materials and managing the rehearsals and performances. The conductor is the supreme authority when it comes to musical matters! The conductor determines and conducts entrance exams (and sometimes periodic exams) for singers and has the authority to accept or suspend singers from the group, When it comes to musical and professional reasons. Winners will be able to attach 3-2 Experienced and knowledgeable choir members help him pass the test. This is especially recommended so that a singer who has been removed from the band, or has not been accepted into it, will not get the impression that it was done because of the whim of the conductor. Group Manager / Group Committee * The director / committee of the group deals with the administrative management of the group, taking care of the venue for rehearsals, appropriate physical conditions, refreshments during breaks, Shuttles to gigs and all the extra administration involved in running the band. When the group is a private organization of the singers, it also takes care of collecting the participation money as well as paying the salary to the conductor and / or the accompanist. When the group belongs to a public body (municipality / community center / school, etc.), the group director deals with current affairs as well as dealing with Bodies that invite the group to performances. * All vehicles will have the director of the vehicle and / or the composition committee in order for there to be a healthy division of powers between the role of the conductor, the director and the composition committee Rules of conduct for singers 1. The singers will arrive at the scheduled time for rehearsal and will arrive ready with all the required material (characters, words, writing instruments, means of recording, etc.) 2. And be prepared Start the rehearsal on time. 3. The singers will get along in the place determined for them by the conductor, will respect each other Each other, and will not make any negative comments towards each other 4. And will do their best so that the rehearsal will take place in a good and friendly spirit. Singers' commitment to the band A singer will perform the duties assigned to him within the ensemble in the best way and in a good spirit. 1. A singer who is accepted to sing in a particular season in a band will stay until the end of the season and will not leave in the middle. This is very important, especially since the groups commit months in advance to projects (concerts, choir conferences, Travel, projects with an orchestra, etc.) and when the conductor takes on a commitment in coordination with the group management, The commitment is also in the name of the singers And obliges them! 2. The singers are committed to learning the roles of the voices and getting ready for rehearsals 3. A singer who is late for rehearsal and without prior coordination will wait for the break and will not interfere with the normal rehearsal process. In any case, another singer will wait on the side and will not enter his place until after receiving approval from the conductor 4. A singer who does not meet these conditions will be asked to leave the band The band's commitment to the singers 1. A singer who is accepted to sing in the ensemble will receive all the required material (recordings, notes, lyrics, etc.) and, if necessary, Assistance in his first period in the gang. 2. The director of the ensemble will take care of the absorption of the singer in the ensemble. Rules of conduct between gangs and themselves 1. A group will not offer the singer to move to it from another group in the middle of the season and will not even respond positively to the request of the active singer In another bunch during the season. If a group turned to a singer to move to it or a singer turned to a new group on his own initiative, The manager of the new group will inform the manager of the previous group that he intends to add the singer to his group at the beginning of next season. 2. Should a singer want to leave and move to a new bunch in the middle of the season, he will update the winner and manager on his intention and get their consent. A singer will not be able to move from group to group in the middle of the season without the consent of the previous group. 3. If the conductor and the manager do not agree, the singer will not be able to move to a new group in the middle of the season. He will indeed be able to leave the The previous bunch but will have to wait for the start of next season. 4. Sometimes, in coordination with his conductor, a singer will be able to move to another group during the season, but will never receive a conductor's approval. And director of the ensemble in which he sings to carry out the move. 5. Regarding a singer who sang in two different groups: one of the groups had a performance scheduled at the time of the other's rehearsal - the performance is always Overcome repetition. If the two groups were scheduled to perform at the same time The singer will arrive for a performance by the group whose performance he previously learned about. In any case, as soon as he receives a notification of an appearance in one of the groups, he will immediately notify the conductor and the director of the other group. 6. Conductors and the ensembles who came to attend the group conference will remain in it until the end and the singers will not leave after their performance. It should be noted that the singers are a significant part of the audience and here the rule applies: "Do not do to your friend what he hates about you." 7. The groups are obligated to arrive at the Mila events at the time allotted to them in order not to disrupt the balance times and performance times. 8. A group will meet the schedule set for it at Mila events. Whether it is a pre-determined amount of songs, Or in the limited amount of time per group. Rules of conduct between winners 1. A winner who has received a job offer will check with the current winner of the group if the group has met all its obligations to him. 2. A winner will not start work or sign a contract with a bunch that has not fulfilled its obligations to the incumbent winner. 3. If the conductor learns that a certain group is looking for a winner, he will be able to contact the group on his own initiative, also a discreet face, but not Will take practical steps to get the job done, such as signing a contract without getting approval from the outgoing winner. 4. The outgoing winner will not be able to delay or prevent a new winner from joining the team at the beginning of the season unless he has justified claims Towards the group that did not fulfill its obligations. 5. In the event of disagreement, the injured conductor (whether the previous or new conductor) will request from MILA to convene an agreed committee on The two winners will include at least one winner and one manager And which will mediate between the parties. 6. A conductor will not speak ill of other conductors and will not utter a bad slander. The winners will treat each other with mutual respect. 7. Keep in mind that competition is free, but the rules of ethics assume that the relationship between the winners will be based on mutual respect. 8. A conductor shall not perform with groups of adaptations of other conductors except with the prior approval of the author of the adaptation, or in the event that the group She paid the processor for the processing and has rights The execution on this processing. Or if the processing came out in print to the free market. Rules of conduct between winners and gangs 1. From the moment a winner starts working with the group - the winner and the group are committed to the activity until the end of the season, unless Defined differently in the terms of the engagement. The commitment is bilateral. 2. A group manager will not contact another winner to check the possibility of replacing the existing winner, but for a replacement next season or soon To conclude the employment contract of the incumbent conductor. 3. Had a bunch made a deal with a replacement winner for next season, it will notify the previous winner as soon as possible And in any case no later than three months before the end of the season, in order to allow him to find a replacement bunch. Ethics Committee - Mil

  • גלריה / 29-06-2016 כיתת אומן עם מרטון קי | mila

    <Back to the photo gallery 29-06-2016 Master class with Merton Care in Rishon Lezion 20160629_233756 29-06-2016 כיתת אומן עם מרטון קייר ב 20160629_225401_10 20160629_215550 20160629_225355

  • גלריה/ פסטיבל על הבמה ליסבון 2016 | mila

    <Back to the photo gallery Photo Gallery - Lisbon Stage Festival 2016 ליסבון 2016 lisbon 20161 lisbon20165 lisbon20164 lisbon 2016 1 Lisbon20163

  • זמר סובב ים המלח 2022 לחברי מיל"ה | עמותת מיל"ה | ישראל | mila

    פרטים והרשמה לכנס השנתי בים המלח לחברי העמותה Sing-Around Dead Sea 2022 Sing-Around Dead Sea - 13 to 15 January 2022 - at the Leonardo Club Hotel Dead Sea Instructions for registration The round will take place between January 13 - 15, 2022 using the "all inclusive" method. Registration is for double and / or triple rooms only. A single room costs like a double room - please contact this subject by email at: To members of MILA whose members have arranged their membership in the association for the year 2022 (including conductors) and their spouses - The price for a single in a double or triple room is: 1,880 NIS per person. For registrants who are not members of MILA - the price is 2,300 NIS per person in a double room. Each order must state: The full names of the occupants of the room. The name of the band (for registrants who are part of groups - whether members of Milah or not) so that you can be placed in rooms next to each other. Payment Methods: Pay by credit card only through the appropriate link at the bottom of the page. Do not accept Diners and American Express. Terms of Payment: For payers until June 30, 2021 - 8 payments. From July onwards, the number of payments will be reduced every month automatically - 7 payments to payers in July, 6 payments to payers in August and so on. Registration validity : Your registration will only be valid if you have made the payment correctly. Orders that are not backed by payment - will be deleted from the system. Registration and payment made through the link intended for MILA members only, by those whose membership in the association for 2022 has not been regulated - will be rejected . Free conductor room Provided he settled his membership fee for 2022 and his vehicle registered for the weekend. Participation fee for the winner's spouse - 500 NIS. Cancellation Policy: The payment includes handling and registration fees - 150 NIS per person - which will not be refunded in any case of cancellation . Until October 15, 2021 - without cancellation fee. From October 16, 2021 - cancellation of participation will result in a cancellation fee of 35% of the room rate. From November 1, 2021 - cancellation of participation will result in a cancellation fee of 45% of the room rate. From December 1, 2021 - cancellation of participation will result in a cancellation fee of 65% of the room rate. From December 25, 2021 to January 13, 2022 - the participation fee (100% of the room fee) will not be refunded. In case of an outbreak of the plague - a postponement to another date will be approved without cancellation fee. In case of force majeure (war, natural disaster, hostilities and terrorism directly affecting the area where the hotel is located) the vacationers or the hotel will not see the situation as a breach of agreement and in this case a new date will be set for arrival at the hotel. Corona issue - according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, as will be the practice during your stay at the hotel. registration process: 1. Prepare your credit card, email address and cell phone number in advance. 2. Click on the appropriate link below, which leads to the registration and payment process. Fill in the required details and click on "Make Payment". Registration confirmation and receipt will be sent to you by email. Due to demand, registration will be based on availability only, by e-mail to the association's office. For inquiries and questions please send an e-mail to: And we will try to answer you quickly. Rachela, Keren, Ron and Avi See you at the Dead Sea with the great song of the heart! We reserve the right to make changes E&OE קראתי את תקנון הרישום והבנתי, רוצה לשלם לא חברי מיל"ה חדר סינגל ₪ 3,800 לאדם בחדר זוגי או שלישיה ₪ 2,300 חברי מיל"ה חדר סינגל לאדם בחדר זוגי או שלישיה ₪ 1,960 ₪ 3,430

  • 2019 מועמדים לוועד מנהל: מנצחים | mila

    Candidates for the Board of Directors: Winners

  • תרומה | עמותת מיל"ה | ישראל

    אופן יצירת קשר עם גורמי העמותה Help us promote the choirs and choirs in Israel! MILA Association Israeli Center for Choirs a nd choirs 33 Kfar Hadar Road, Hod Hasharon (At the Multidisciplinary Arts Center ) Phone: 972-9-7880032 Fax: 972-9-7880036 MILA is a non-profit voluntary organization. MILA has excellent employees, a quality and dedicated board of directors and many volunteers, who work tirelessly throughout the year to promote the association and its activities. In our veins flows the national desire to continue to preserve and sustain Hebrew song a nd the singing of the common choir. MILA is in direct contact with the Ministry of Culture regarding instructions for returning to the Corona routine, as well as receiving support. In the recent months, due to COVID19 virus and mutations, we canceled events and performances that were supposed to bring money to fund the organization, such as: On Stage in Israel, International Choir Festival Voices in the desert in Mitzpe Ramon Additional workshops and activities Due to downtime, funds invested in the construction of these and other projects h ave not returned yet, so there has been a cash flow problem. The association needs your support in order to return to the momentum of action that characterized it before the epidemic. We ask you to donate a lump sum of NIS 100 per person. The donation is recorded so that this money can be used in 2021 as a down payment for one of the organized weekends (Dead Sea, Desert Voices, etc.) Yours sincerely, Ron Gang CEO of Milah לחצו כאן לתרומה

  • 2019 מועמדים לוועד מנהל: נציגי ציבור | mila

    Candidates for the Board of Directors: Public Representatives

  • קול אנד סול בהיכל התרבות ביבנה 2017 | mila

    <Back to the photo gallery Mila's gospel project - "Cole & Sol" hosts Andrei de Quadros and his band. 8/12/2017 יבנה 2017 יבנה 2017 יבנה 2017 DSC_0572 יבנה 2017 יבנה 2017 יבנה 2017 יבנה 2017 יבנה 2017 יבנה 2017 יבנה 2017 יבנה 2017 יבנה 2017 יבנה 2017 יבנה 2017 יבנה 2017 יבנה 2017

לוגו משרד התרבות והספורט
בתמיכת משרד התרבות והספורט
עמותת מיל"ה - מרכז ישראלי למקהלות וחבורות זמר
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