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- זמר סובב ים המלח 2022 לחברי מיל"ה | עמותת מיל"ה | ישראל | mila
פרטים והרשמה לכנס השנתי בים המלח לחברי העמותה Sing-Around Dead Sea 2022 Sing-Around Dead Sea - 13 to 15 January 2022 - at the Leonardo Club Hotel Dead Sea Instructions for registration The round will take place between January 13 - 15, 2022 using the "all inclusive" method. Registration is for double and / or triple rooms only. A single room costs like a double room - please contact this subject by email at: mila.sharim@gmail.com To members of MILA whose members have arranged their membership in the association for the year 2022 (including conductors) and their spouses - The price for a single in a double or triple room is: 1,880 NIS per person. For registrants who are not members of MILA - the price is 2,300 NIS per person in a double room. Each order must state: The full names of the occupants of the room. The name of the band (for registrants who are part of groups - whether members of Milah or not) so that you can be placed in rooms next to each other. Payment Methods: Pay by credit card only through the appropriate link at the bottom of the page. Do not accept Diners and American Express. Terms of Payment: For payers until June 30, 2021 - 8 payments. From July onwards, the number of payments will be reduced every month automatically - 7 payments to payers in July, 6 payments to payers in August and so on. Registration validity : Your registration will only be valid if you have made the payment correctly. Orders that are not backed by payment - will be deleted from the system. Registration and payment made through the link intended for MILA members only, by those whose membership in the association for 2022 has not been regulated - will be rejected . Free conductor room Provided he settled his membership fee for 2022 and his vehicle registered for the weekend. Participation fee for the winner's spouse - 500 NIS. Cancellation Policy: The payment includes handling and registration fees - 150 NIS per person - which will not be refunded in any case of cancellation . Until October 15, 2021 - without cancellation fee. From October 16, 2021 - cancellation of participation will result in a cancellation fee of 35% of the room rate. From November 1, 2021 - cancellation of participation will result in a cancellation fee of 45% of the room rate. From December 1, 2021 - cancellation of participation will result in a cancellation fee of 65% of the room rate. From December 25, 2021 to January 13, 2022 - the participation fee (100% of the room fee) will not be refunded. In case of an outbreak of the plague - a postponement to another date will be approved without cancellation fee. In case of force majeure (war, natural disaster, hostilities and terrorism directly affecting the area where the hotel is located) the vacationers or the hotel will not see the situation as a breach of agreement and in this case a new date will be set for arrival at the hotel. Corona issue - according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, as will be the practice during your stay at the hotel. registration process: 1. Prepare your credit card, email address and cell phone number in advance. 2. Click on the appropriate link below, which leads to the registration and payment process. Fill in the required details and click on "Make Payment". Registration confirmation and receipt will be sent to you by email. Due to demand, registration will be based on availability only, by e-mail to the association's office. For inquiries and questions please send an e-mail to: Mila.sharim@gmail.com And we will try to answer you quickly. Rachela, Keren, Ron and Avi See you at the Dead Sea with the great song of the heart! We reserve the right to make changes E&OE For the registration and payment instructions document - click here
- מועמדים לפורום מנצחים 2019 | mila
Candidates for the 2019 (winning) committee
- מיל"ה | עמותת מיל"ה ממליצה לצפות בזמריה ברשת 2020 | ישראל
תוכנית השידורים של שלושת ימי הזמריה שהתקיימה בשנת 2020 Singing on the Network 2020 - Broadcast program Thursday 31/12/2020 from 18:00 Vocalocity - Conductor: Erez Tel Loves to be home Naim Obeid, CEO of A CAT - Interview and promotional film about A CAT The Engagements - Conductor: Uzi Asner The echo An hour with Quinta and a half - Interview with conductor and arranger Doron Ben Ami And the band's director Yarden Cohen Brosh Two roses I peeled an orange Diamonds on the Sky Elton John string A tribute to Kevin She was jolie The evolution of Israeli music Shlomo Artzi evolution Does not touch you Days of quiet Kibbutz Gevim - arranger and conductor: Yoni Shaham Tea makes you dizzy Zohir Bahlul, former MK - the singing instructor in Acre From the program "This is it" - arranger and conductor Amir Lekner As long as the The President of the State, Boaz Sharabi and the ensembles of Adi Ron I Wish - Arranged by: Yaron Bachar Galron Ensemble - Conductor: Doron Ben Ami It only happened this time Dominante Jerusalem Band - Conductors: Zvi Sharaf and Shimon Cohen The land of my songs on the verge Rejoicing - Conductor: Boaz Kabilio Great world Avihail - Conductor: Boaz Kabilio Everything is gold Yuval Porat, CEO of the Acre Development Company - Interview Gila's Gospel with Etty Curry - Conductor: Joa Amir She stood Galron Singers - Conductor: Avi Paintoch Tango Kfar Saba - Soloist Ronit Goldberg Avi Paintoch, conductor and producer of the song Interview Carmel a-Kapela - Conductor: Shula Erez I have no other country Uncle Zeba and Symphonyte Beer Sheva 20 year old love - with Nathan Datner and Orit Wolf The Seam Character Choir - arranger and conductor: Yossi Sidi Songs so far Wednesday 30/12/2020 from 18:00 Colette Avital, Chairman of the Association - Congratulations Bartini Choir - Conductor: Ronen Borszewski Queen Shabbat Such a singer A second bird Naomi Paran, conductor and choir director of Moran - Interview Moran Choirs - Conductors: Naomi Paran and Tom Karni let it be Night hymn Night train to Cairo Hello Hello Rinat Choir - Conductor: Gary Bartini Ordered a narcotics Dove ride Dawn Choir - Conductor: Gila Brill I love you Psalms KJ Ron Gang, Conductor and CEO of Milah - Interview Voice of Ein Gedi - Conductor: Ron Gang In the Dwarf State Singleton - Conductor: Ron Gang Somewhere Only We Know Chen Choir (Hulda Naan) - Conductor: Ron Gang Smile and live Hadas Sturman, winner - interview The Nightingale Choir - Conductors: Hadas Sturman and Micha Sapir My little one Prayer for Israel Jordan Valley Choir - Conductor: Hadas Sturman Songs of the End of the Road Masar Nazareth School Choir - Conductor: Hadas Sturman Bovine Zuli Frank's time - Conductor Zuli Frank talks about his musical work The Valleys Choirs, Noga Choir, Gitit Choir, Uriah Choir - Savyon, Noam Choir, Yoav Choir. Inflammation Park on a window seat Love of the world Little foxes Kwando Corpus Walk to Caesarea Go my uncle La Rosa Stab Mater My tiny candles Lawrence Hamisa, conductor of the Mi'ilya Choir - Interview Miilya Choir - Conductor: Summer Bishara On Stage project - choirs from Israel and Europe in the Tower of David, Jerusalem Imagine (John Lennon) - Adapted and conducted by Ron Gang And in collaboration with Interkultur Germany Tuesday 29/12/2020 from 18:00 Shimon Lankri, Mayor of Acre - Congratulations to the singer Vocalocity Choir - Conductor: Kevin Fox Nowhere - Adapted by: Kevin Fox Rabinim - Ginny and Eden Rabin win in a joint interview Ginny Rabin's Ensemble and Rosh Tov Made in Israel One Way Ticket Voices of Heaven Living on a Prayer Sabe Deus Chamber Singers - Conductor: Avner Itai Adorned with your forehead Deer Resin's Hour with the Coral Ensemble good people Coffee for fun Puncha Puncha We were slaves with Let My People Go The Dudas if I forget Tishrei song Happy New Year Eli you are Umbrella in two Those candles Theme books I will have more Neve Shir Choir - Conductor: Anat Dor Hadassah love Shaul Gilad, Chairman of Hillel - Interview on the Union Choir Union Choir - Conductors: Christian Lindberg and Ronen Borszewski Gloria hallelujah Cain fled Conductor and laboratory Tami Caspi Eshel - Interview Ramot Yavne - Conductor: Tami Caspi Eshel A lost legend Tell him Musical - Conductor: Tami Caspi Eshel Free heart Last Train to London In another style - conductor: Yoni Shaham Whoever sings Jerusalem Levels - Conductor: Shai Ben Yaakov Song of Degrees - With Hanan Yuval
- מיל"ה | עמותת מיל"ה | ישראל mila
Information about the mila association, bylaws, districts, managerial team and ethical code. אודות מיל״ה מיל"ה הנה עמותה ללא מטרות רווח הרשומה ברשם העמותות. העמותה נוסדה בשנת 1999 בידי דורון שנקר וצוות נוסף של אנשים מחויבים. שנה לאחר מכן, אושרה מיל"ה כעמותה רשומה מס' 58-035-084/1 . בעמותה חברים מיטב מנצחי ויוצרי ישראל ומונה אלפי חברים , שמספרם עולה משנה לשנה. לעמותה הוענק אישור מוסד ציבורי לענין תרומות לפי סעיף 46 לפקודת מס הכנסה (בתוקף עד 31/12/2026) - לתרומות לעמותה קיים קוד אתי המסדיר את מערכת הנורמות והערכים של חברי העמותה בתחומי פעילות העמותה. תקנון העמותה אושר ע"י אסיפת המליאה ב-25/7/2023 ועל ידי עו"ד העמותה ב-24/8/2023.. בשנת 2015 הוקם צוות שיווקי להגדרת העתיד, היעוד והחזון של מיל"ה והאסטרטגיה השיווקית שלה, שכלל את: יאיר קלינגר, רפי זליג, אבנר בן ארי, ד"ר דן גנג, בתיה מורבצ'ק, רון גנג ואבי שיינמן. העמותה פרוסה בעשרה מחוזות בארץ. משרדי העמותה ממוקמים במרכז לאומנויות הבמה , רח' כפר הדר 33, הוד השרון. חשבון הבנק של העמותה: בנק 11 דיסקונט סניף 145 (וייצמן 19, גבעתיים) מס' חשבון 101-46573 Board of Directors The committee consists of representatives of conductors, representatives of singers And public representatives ועדת ביקורת צוות ניהול מיל"ה הצהרת נגישות: עמותת מיל"ה מחויבת להבטיח נגישות מיטבית לכל המבקרים באתר ולכל המשתמשים בו, בהתאם לתקנות הנגישות לאתרי אינטרנט ולתקנות הנגישות לתוכן באתר אינטרנט, עבור אנשים עם מוגבלויות, כפי שנקבעו בחוק הנגישות לאנשים עם מוגבלות, התשע"ח-2018. הכוונה לנגישות היא לתת גישה שווה, שלא תלויה במוגבלות, לכל תוכן הנמצא באתר ולשירותים הקשורים לעמותה. נתונים מדויקים ופרטיים יוצגו בפרק הנגישות שבאתר הזה, אשר יהיה זמין לכל המבקרים והמשתמשים. על מנת להבטיח נגישות מיטבית, התקננו כללים ופרקטיקות שמטרתם לענות על דרישות הנגישות בקנה מידה מקצועי. כל תוכן יועבר דרך תהליך וידוא למען וידוא עמידתו בדרישות הנגישות המקצועיות. המטרה שלנו היא להבטיח שהאתר שלנו יהיה זמין לכל אדם, כולל אנשים עם מוגבלויות, ולספק להם חווית משתמש מיטבית.
- זמר סובב ים המלח 2022 לחברי מיל"ה | עמותת מיל"ה | ישראל | mila
פרטים והרשמה לכנס השנתי בים המלח לחברי העמותה Sing-Around Dead Sea 2022 Sing-Around Dead Sea - 13 to 15 January 2022 - at the Leonardo Club Hotel Dead Sea Instructions for registration The round will take place between January 13 - 15, 2022 using the "all inclusive" method. Registration is for double and / or triple rooms only. A single room costs like a double room - please contact this subject by email at: mila.sharim@gmail.com To members of MILA whose members have arranged their membership in the association for the year 2022 (including conductors) and their spouses - The price for a single in a double or triple room is: 1,880 NIS per person. For registrants who are not members of MILA - the price is 2,300 NIS per person in a double room. Each order must state: The full names of the occupants of the room. The name of the band (for registrants who are part of groups - whether members of Milah or not) so that you can be placed in rooms next to each other. Payment Methods: Pay by credit card only through the appropriate link at the bottom of the page. Do not accept Diners and American Express. Terms of Payment: For payers until June 30, 2021 - 8 payments. From July onwards, the number of payments will be reduced every month automatically - 7 payments to payers in July, 6 payments to payers in August and so on. Registration validity : Your registration will only be valid if you have made the payment correctly. Orders that are not backed by payment - will be deleted from the system. Registration and payment made through the link intended for MILA members only, by those whose membership in the association for 2022 has not been regulated - will be rejected . Free conductor room Provided he settled his membership fee for 2022 and his vehicle registered for the weekend. Participation fee for the winner's spouse - 500 NIS. Cancellation Policy: The payment includes handling and registration fees - 150 NIS per person - which will not be refunded in any case of cancellation . Until October 15, 2021 - without cancellation fee. From October 16, 2021 - cancellation of participation will result in a cancellation fee of 35% of the room rate. From November 1, 2021 - cancellation of participation will result in a cancellation fee of 45% of the room rate. From December 1, 2021 - cancellation of participation will result in a cancellation fee of 65% of the room rate. From December 25, 2021 to January 13, 2022 - the participation fee (100% of the room fee) will not be refunded. In case of an outbreak of the plague - a postponement to another date will be approved without cancellation fee. In case of force majeure (war, natural disaster, hostilities and terrorism directly affecting the area where the hotel is located) the vacationers or the hotel will not see the situation as a breach of agreement and in this case a new date will be set for arrival at the hotel. Corona issue - according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, as will be the practice during your stay at the hotel. registration process: 1. Prepare your credit card, email address and cell phone number in advance. 2. Click on the appropriate link below, which leads to the registration and payment process. Fill in the required details and click on "Make Payment". Registration confirmation and receipt will be sent to you by email. Due to demand, registration will be based on availability only, by e-mail to the association's office. For inquiries and questions please send an e-mail to: Mila.sharim@gmail.com And we will try to answer you quickly. Rachela, Keren, Ron and Avi See you at the Dead Sea with the great song of the heart! We reserve the right to make changes E&OE PDF לקריאת התקנון בגרסת קראתי את תקנון הרישום והבנתי, רוצה לשלם מלון הרודס חדר סינגל ₪ 3,940 לאדם בחדר זוגי או שלישיה ₪ 2,640 מלון ליאונרדו קלאב חדר סינגל לאדם בחדר זוגי או שלישיה ₪ 2,080 ₪ 3,540
- אסטרטגיה שיווקית | mila
The marketing strategy of MILA association is all about joy and happiness by vocal culture Marketing strategy The work done by the marketing steering team, pointed out four strategic marketing / operational directions for the growth of the word: strategic partners; Value innovation within Mila; Value innovation in national activity; Focus on action in Mila districts. Strategic partners During the end of 2015, MILA reached strategic understandings and partnerships: With the "Symphony" music venue in Rosh HaAyin. Rimon High School of Music. With the IDF Retirement Organization "Staff". At the beginning of 2016 - with the Sharon district in the "team" and starting a pilot with the "team" branch in Kfar Saba in front of the Sharon district of MILA. Planned to continue: (1) with a "member" of the consumer and leisure organization of permanent employees and retirees (2) with other leading organizations / with determinants / Opinion leaders for the purpose of obtaining / increasing budgets for support / assistance and strategic cooperation. Value innovation strategy Within MILA Internal value innovation includes seminars, workshops, master classes with international artists, performances and performances, ensemble meetings and more. During 2015 (1), two successful professional seminars were held for about 60 vehicle managers / members of the vehicle committees on weekends At the Eden Hotel in Zichron Yaacov on issues of empowerment and vision, leadership management and more (2), an exposure lecture was held for professional seminars for about 21 conductors. Planned / in stages of execution Conductors - An active conductors committee and the initiation of relevant content and a continuing education / enrichment program. Vehicle Committees - Continued activity, as determined by the Vehicle Drivers Committee. Volunteers - a professional seminar. Continue project activity The gospel. Continuation of Vocalocity project activities. Vocal Music School - Continued operation of existing infrastructure through master classes, dedicated meetings and more. In addition, regular meetings and visits are held by the MILA management and members of the board of directors in MILA activities and with MILA members. At the national level and in the trend to become a national asset As part of turning MILA into a world-recognized national asset, we are committed to activity at the national level. Among other things, MILA has initiated and is leading a national initiative "Hebrew Singing Week / Holiday" for implementation in June 2017. Purpose: Integration of the singer within the Hebrew Book Holiday. At the beginning of 12/2015, an appeal was made to the Minister of Culture and Sports, Miri Regev. Under her guidance, at the end of 1/2016, a meeting with the head of the director of culture, Galit Wahba Shasho a nd head of community culture, Mazal Simon, and receiving support and a "spirit of support" for implementation in the Galilee communities. On March 9, 2016, a meeting was held to initiate a pilot project "The Festival of Singing and the Hebrew Book" in the Galilee at the Galilee Development Authority with representatives of the Western and Eastern Galilee Cluster and a representative of the Maalot Community Center. A marketing flyer was prepared as a tool to promote the initiative and to create a new concept and a clear opportunity for the new initiative for everyone who reads it within a million words a nd are relevant to external factors. It is intended for distribution among decision-makers in local authorities and councils and among the organization of directors of national cultural departments a nd among opinion leaders and opinion makers. The flyer will also be distributed within a mile at the district level, to the board member, volunteers and other relevant parties. The flyer is designed to pomote the initiative in clear language with the marketing concept including the features of the venture, its values and benefits, characteristics of collaboration w ith the authority / local council And examples of the integration of Hebrew songwriters, an update on "Ruach Gabit" and support from the Ministry of Culture and Sports, How much does it cost and how will it be done, why Milah and the Milah Association. The intention is to be assisted by the support budgets of the Ministry of Culture and Sports through a new regulation. Planned - he intends to contact the chairman of Mifal Hapayis regarding the above-mentioned initiative and other initiatives; Initiate more meetings with relevant bodies / organizations. District Focus Action Strategy We started a pilot-based activity in nine districts led by Yigal Perry, chairman of the Choirs Managers Committee . On 1/2016 A constituent meeting was held to establish the districts and carry out a pilot, and a team of 9 appointed districts was appointed. As stated, a strategic partnership was established with the Sharon District in the "Team" organization and a pilot agreement was reached with the "Team" Kfar Saba branch. The Northern District will hold a pilot for Hebrew Song and Book Week in collaboration with the Galilee Development Authority, the Western Galilee Cluster and the Eastern Galilee Cluster, and directly with the authorities. Planned - In coordination with the Chairman of the Vehicle Drivers' Committee, each district will formulate a work plan for itself, including organizing lists and contact and a first district conference within a few months. Positioning and branding MILA continues to publish, share and document the mission and vision, marketing strategy and values chosen to position and brand MILA in accordance with the above directions, Including the launch of this new website and advertising on the site. In planning - positioning, branding And new branding values. Documentation of major events. The activities, shows and new initiatives are published and publicized - MILA magazine, newsletter, new website, direct mail, national media.
- גלריה/ קול פעמונים 2016 בית גוברין | mila
<Back to the photo gallery Photo Gallery - Voice of Bells 2016 Beit Guvrin קול פעמונים 12016 שדות בית לחם הגלילית פעמוני זמר 2016 קול פעמונים 2016 קהל בפעמון הגדולה צוות מילה 2 מערת הפעמון לילך 2016 אוסף פרטי 2016 לוס אמיגוס 2016 מתכונניים להופעה בפעמון הגדולה
- גלריה/ מילה וטריפונס בהיכל התרבות ראשל"צ | mila
<Back to the photo gallery Photo Gallery - Mila and Tryphons at the Rishon LeZion Hall of Culture 2016 14633063_10209376669987300_8773436808919583892_n 14915343_10209379388615264_4355323465390295302_n 14938107_10209379642661615_1779121810684176801_n 14853005_354186041600686_5734274443695752188_o
- מיל"ה | מפת ההרכבים הקוליים בישראל | ישראל
הצגת הרכבים קוליים ישראליים על גבי מפה
- אודות/ הקמת מיל"ה | mila
Establishment of MILA The idea to establish MILA was born out of a reality that arose as a result of changes that took place in 1994 in the General Organization of Workers in Israel ("Histadrut") and a reorganization into "The New Histadrut". Until then, there was a special section in the Histadrut that dealt with the affairs of the choirs and conductors headed by the late Henry Klausner, and after his retirement, the late Rafi Pesachzon , Rafi Zelig and finally Aryeh Lebanon . When the decision was made to close the section completely, Several conductors - in consultation with Henry Klausner and Ofer Turiel (who was then the Inspector General of Music Education at the Ministry of Education) - launched an initiative f or the establishment of an independent choir organization. In the beginning, efforts were made to establish a joint organization for traditional choirs and classical choirs, but it is worth noting that the conductors from the classical field were not happy with the idea of s haring and preferred to establish a separate organization. It should be noted that the only person that was in favor of full cooperation was Naomi Faran , Who was lonely with her support The organization had a common roof and its power of influence was not great. The conductors of the traditional choirs and singing groups had no choice, but to work for the establishment of a separate organization. One of the most prominent who pushed for the establishment of the organization among this group of conductors was Doron Shenkar , Who was also elected the first chairman of MILA in the class Founding of the association in 1999. At the beginning of the MILA Association, the chairman also served as CEO and so for its first ten years. In 2009, it was decided to reorganize MILA and split the positions of chairman and CEO. New bylaws were established and an elected committee was established. Doron Shenkar continued his activities as the association's general manager and Yair Klinger served as chairman, until his resignation and the election of Adv. Avi Friedman as his successor. After a short period, Doron Shenkar also retired from his position as CEO, and Ron Gang was elected as his successor, who still fills the position today. In 2015, with the retirement of Adv. Avi Friedman, Adv. Avi Sheinman was elected to the position. In 2017, Adv. Avi Friedman was re-elected as chairman. At the end of 2021, after Adv. Friedman withdrew his candidacy from the Board of Directors, the conductor Adi Ron was elected chairman. Wrote (In 2016): Yair Klinger Value and update: Erez Freetall